Multi-layered with meaning & inspiration,
The Seal depicts 3 broken arrows in a circle.
The top arrow represents our Self; personal Life & routine. The key is to cultivate a sense of internal Peace within ourselves before we put our attention on the next task, conversation, or thing demanding our rushed attention.
The middle arrow represents our Actions; Creativity, Livelihood, Passions & Occupation. Getting to that underlying sense of Peace within ourselves allows us to then approach the next experience with greater Ease. This is where we find ourselves “in flow”.
The bottom arrow represents our Communication; Relationships & Interactions. Having increased our own internal Peace and Ease, minding our Awareness of others is how we alchemize the environments around us and create Peace among People. One conversation, interaction, or smile at a time. Co-creation beyond differences.
On the left inside of the circle are the back halves of the broken arrows. Each with 6 lines illustrating the fletching, or feathers. Each one representing any person, situation, conversation, decision, etc. that we engage with, without judgment, reaction or static…
The feathers criss-cross in the most “cluttered” part of the design forming a web or net; we are all human and learning while sharing a planet with billions of other creative Beings. Things are bound to get cluttered, distorted or even “sticky” at times.
On the right side of the circle are the front halves of the arrows, arrowheads of destruction replaced with the symbol of Love. Once the sharp words of war are broken, the potential of alignment & connection in our conversations & interactions opens up. The Circle grows, more resources become available.
About the Brand
In a world that often prioritizes everything but Peace, The Seal of Peace was founded to be a beacon & a reminder to One’s self and others of the connection between us all, and to show up to the next convo, task or exchange with a sense of Ease.
Our Mission is to be a catalyst for millions reconnecting with their innermost Peace and creative center in order to celebrate their unique gifts freely & intentionally contributing to the alchemizing of the spaces they find themselves.

Our Vision is to leave a Legacy of Peacefulness…
to make it easy to identify open-hearted people who elevate the resonance of the environment around them by being present; those who practice embodying & exhibiting Peace, first within the individual, then our work, communication & Lifestyle.
The Seal of Peace exists to be a beacon and a constant reminder of how to show up in Life. Somewhat like the guru whom wherever they stand the mud becomes lotus, The Tribe exists to alchemize the atmosphere of the places and spaces we find ourselves; one task, one exchange at a time.
Our Purpose…
is to inspire and empower individuals to lead fulfilling, creative lives through practical wellness practices and supportive community connections. Resulting in the embodiment of philosophy once we get back in the ebbs and flows of Life, off the mat & outside of community.
Our Mission…
is reminder the world that the pervasive stress and disconnection felt by many is not in your True Nature, to be a catalyst for millions reconnecting with their innermost Peace and creative center in order to contribute & celebrate their unique gifts freely & intentionally.
We envision it starting here with noticeable impact on the individuals we cross paths with through the spaces & connections created within The Tribe; perspective gained from experiences with the Community and practical yoga, meditation practices that bolster ease, clarity, and space within ourselves that we then carry into everyday Life.
Core Values

Trei Battle
200HR YTT.
Student of Life.
As an artist, songwriter, and certified yoga instructor, it becomes more evident every day that every moment is built upon the last. Often we approach the next moment without creating the proper space & clarity within ourselves to be fully and truly present.
I founded the Seal of Peace to create spaces that make it easy to remember that we are all an integral part; while becoming aware of the inseparable relationship between the body, mental & spiritual well Being, and everything those are connected to. Our programs and communities will support the journey to easily embodying our core values moment to moment, and expressing from our creative core.
Life Happens Through Us
We are just beginning to build our Tribe! In the meantime Life is happening every day. A lot of times it feels like it’s happening TO us, I would ask what if Life is trying to happen THROUGH us?
If the need for new perspective, dialogue or deeper guided practice & inner work is pressing; if you need to engage before our classes & Communities are up and rolling, please feel free to schedule a complimentary 30-min “Getting to Know You” Discovery call.